CFA Society South Africa


About us

CFA Society South Africa is part of the worldwide network of CFA Institute member societies that lead the investment profession globally by promoting the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence for the ultimate benefit of society. CFA Society South Africa represents the interests of over 2000 CFA Institute members in Southern Africa by leading the investment profession and engaging the investment industry to advance to advance ethics, market integrity, and professional standards of practice, which collectively contributes value to the broader society.



We envision a CFA Society South Africa that is widely recognised and highly valued by the investment communities and broader societies across Southern Africa. We are a Society that:

  • Leverages the CFA Institute’s innovative and flexible financial education strategies to address the learning preferences of investment professionals as they navigate their careers across a changing business and operating landscape; and allowing investment professionals to address long term challenges.
  • Strengthens ethical standards within the financial industry and enforce professional standards to build more principled, responsible and trusted investment industry.
  • Promote thought leadership within the industry by conducting research, publishing insights, and organizing events that shape industry thinking.


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