PSG Wealth
We offer a comprehensive wealth management offering, designed to meet your needs as an individual, family or business. You can trade directly in shares and other securities, or invest in unit trusts. We also offer a comprehensive estate planning and fiduciary service, including local and offshore trusts and the administration of deceased estates. For businesses, we offer a full suite of employee benefits and bespoke multi-managed investment solutions.
We offer a broad range of employee benefits to corporates, institutions and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs). We can help you to make healthcare, retirement or risk benefits available to your staff, and can also help you to invest your business capital. We offer these benefits individually, or in combination.
We have a diverse employer client base and extensive group benefits and corporate investment experience. We also enjoy established relationships with all major product and service providers, but maintain our independence and hold no exclusivity agreements. This leaves us equipped to provide you with customised, best of breed business solutions.