Robson Savage
Our specialty
If you are looking for high-quality administration or untainted advice with the freedom to choose the best solution for your retirement fund or company, then you should talk to us.
With no links to insurers, asset managers or product houses, Robson Savage is un-conflicted and uniquely positioned to find the best cost-effective solution for you.
Our services
Full administration of all types of retirement funding arrangements, whether an umbrella participant or free standing fund, preservation pension or provident fund, retirement annuity or unclaimed benefits fund.
Technical expertise in employee benefit consulting, analytical actuarial and investment advisory services complement our core administration services.
It’s no surprise that our understanding and delivery of what retirement funds and trustees need leads to us being regularly nominated and winning the highest accolades for excellence in the employee benefit industry.
We are the Batseta Imbasa Yegolide Administrator of the Year for 2016!
Your solution
With a 17 year proven track record, Robson Savage offers world class service delivered by world class people. Join the happy group of clients who have already discovered the secret!
Contact: +27 (0)11 643 4520: email