Verso Group of Companies
The Verso Group of Companies consist of a range of independently established financial services companies. We specialise in providing:
Retirement fund administration
Umbrella fund solutions
Employee benefit consulting
Trustee and fiduciary services
Member communication and education
Savings and investments
Retirement planning
Personal risk management
Medical aid scheme consulting and gap cover
Short-term money market instrument intermediary services
Verso Financial Services (Pty) Ltd, one of the associated companies, offers comprehensive employee benefits consulting and retirement fund administration services that encompass all aspects of independent advice, prudent retirement fund management and best practice principles. Our handpicked employee benefits team remains abreast of legislative changes and market trends to ensure our client’s compliance with all regulations and legislation.
We support our Boards of Trustees by offering fund secretarial services, responses to Pension Funds Adjudicator complaints, investigation and recommendations in respect of the allocation of benefits in terms of Section 37C of the PFA and independent Trustee training, to name but a few.