As many South African workers continue to work from home, many feel increasingly tired, stressed and uncertain about the future which is leading to rise in mental health concerns.
Linda Trim, Director at Giant Leap, one of South Africa’s largest workplace design consultancies, said: “Coronavirus and the imposition of lockdowns year has significantly raised mental health challenges.
“These are some of the major factors that have contributed to the stress and anxiety during this time:
Disrupted work-life balance: Balancing the work and personal life has become a major issue during this period. Extended hours of work just to finish off the task has led to the severe disruption of work-life balance.
Uncertain future: “Uncertainty about one’s career prospects for the future can be frustrating and worrying,” Trim said. “And it’s especially challenging for younger workers trying to learn from more experienced workers and trying to get ahead in their careers.”
Financial uncertainty: The economic impact of lockdowns has proved ruinous for many economies. “Many people live in fear of losing their jobs,” said Trim.
But there are ways to push back against the anxiety. This is how you can preserve the mental health while working from home:
Have separate areas for work and play: It is recommended to have a dedicated workspace to help you stay focused when working remotely. “Having separate areas for work and play also makes it easier to mentally move from work mode to home mode,” said Trim.
Don’t use your work computer in your free time: Just like having different locations for work and private life, it’s important to separate your work tools from your play tools. The most obvious example is your laptop. “If you can afford it, make sure you don’t use the laptop where you are drafting your best selling novel for any other activity.” Trim advised.
Go for a walk after the workday is over: “If it’s safe and you can observe covid rules, go put for a walk or bike ride as soon as the workday is over. This will help you mentally switch to ‘home mode’ by getting you focused on a different activity, thereby relaxing your mind,” said Trim.
Do exercise to keep both your body and mind healthy: If you cannot or are worried about going out, do some exercises or stretches at home. Not only will physical activity help you divert your mind from work, but it will help you stay in shape and help you relax.
Plan your after-work time: When everyone is locked in and there isn’t much life outside your home, it’s difficult to break yourself away from work. Said Trim:” It’s essential to keep a check on what you are doing after work. Make plans beforehand so that it makes you look forward to finishing off the work.”
“It’s also really important to stay in touch, keep connecting and talking to each other, particularly friends and family,” Trim concluded.