Foord Asset Management


Founded in 1981, Foord Asset Management is an independent and owner-managed boutique built on the principles of investment stewardship. A multi-decade track record of successful investing evidences our capacity to consistently deliver superior investment returns for a range of investment strategies. Our value proposition focuses on safety-first and risk-cognisant investment management. We construct diversified investment portfolios based on rigorous fundamental research, high conviction ideas and an adaptable, value-driven investment policy. We embrace market volatility as opportunity, not risk.

In partnership with Foord Asset Management Singapore, Foord is one of the few South African asset managers to offer a globally integrated investment management service with a range of South African, worldwide and global investment strategies catered to most investment needs and risk budgets for retirement fund investors in South Africa and abroad:

  • For short-term investment horizons and conservative risk appetites: Foord Income, Foord Flex Income and Foord Conservative Funds
  • For longer term retirement fund portfolio savings needs: Foord Balanced Fund
  • For specialist South African-only strategies: Foord Equity and Foord Bond Funds
  • Globally: Foord International Fund for conservative investors and Foord Global Equity Fund for risk tolerant long-term investors.


A Shariah range is imminent.


Linda Eedes | +27 21 532 6908 |

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