Glacier by Sanlam appoints Hildegard Wilson as Head of Investment Solutions
27 Mar, 2023

Glacier by Sanlam appoints Hildegard Wilson as Head of Investment Solutions


Hildegard joined Glacier in March 2023 as Head of Investment Solutions and takes leadership responsibility for:


  • Glacier Research (Local and International),
  • Glacier Consulting (South Africa and Namibia),
  • the Glacier Manco and,
  • Glacier Invest, the discretionary fund manager run in partnership with Sanlam Multi Manager International.


Hildegard is an experienced actuary who has a demonstrable working history in the retail and institutional investment industry, and is skilled in product development, asset consulting, market research and people management. Her experience has been gained most recently at Momentum and before that, NMG Consulting.


Hildegard is a Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa and holds a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Financial & Actuarial Mathematics from the University of Pretoria. She is also the deputy chair of the Investment Committee of the Actuarial Society of South Africa.





@Glacier by Sanlam
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